New scenarios added to Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator
Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator now includes internships, scholarships, grants, accomplishments, and more.
Technology is transforming how institutions engage with students and their constituents and improving student outcomes. Last year at Educause we released the Microsoft Higher Education Accelerator which provided a data model and sample apps and analytics tailored for higher education.
Along the way we’ve made updates, and today at Educause we announced additions to the Higher Education data model to include scenarios around business partner management. The Higher Education Accelerator now includes use cases around internships, scholarships, grants, and student accomplishments. Schools will now be able to track students who have applied for various positions offered by various business partners and track the status of students’ applications. The Accelerator also includes scenarios around student accomplishments which helps schools, business partners, and potential employers evaluate a student’s achievements outside their curriculum and extracurricular activities.
The Higher Education Accelerator includes a new research grant mobile app to easily view and take action on applications from Ph Ds and Doctoral candidates. In addition, you can experience a new student engagement bot and portal experience.
In addition, we’ve added new partners to our ecosystem who are building on top of the Common Data Model for Higher Education including Frequency Foundry and KPMG.
“At Cambrian College, we have a vision: to motivate everyone who studies with us to use imagination, inspiration, and innovation to make the world a better place, no matter where they live in it. By partnering with Frequency Foundry to implement Dynamics 365 greymatter and the Microsoft Higher Education Accelerator, we can build stronger relationships with potential students from anywhere in the world. We will be able to better understand their needs, which will allow us to make their post-secondary education more accessible and effective. We’re excited to use greymatter to change the world, one mind at a time.” – Renée Scott, Director of Student Success and Recruitment, Cambrian College
You can test drive the new experience on AppSource today or access the preview in your own PowerApp or Dynamics 365 environment by filling out this short form. The Higher Education data model and Accelerator is free and open sourced and can be found on AppSource and GitHub.