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Digital Transformation: Is Your Organization the Digital Predator or Digital Prey?

According to a recent MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press report, Aligning the Organization for Its Digital Focus, nearly 90% of more than 3,700 business executives, managers and analysts from around the globe say they anticipate their industries will be moderately or greatly disrupted by digital trends. Yet less than half (44%) currently believe their organization is adequately preparing for this digital disruption.

In a webinar available on-demand, Forrester Vice President and Principal Analyst Nigel Fenwick discusses key differences between digital predators (those organizations moving farther the fastest when it comes to digital transformation) and digital prey (those brands and organizations likely to be disrupted). And the difference lies in rethinking how value is being created for customers.

As customer expectations rise, notes Fenwick, without changes in the experience, perceived value decreases. While digital prey maintain a traditional focus on products and services, digital predators focus on improving or evolving customer experiences, outcomes and desires.

Notes Fenwick, new digital experiences and emerging digital technology are becoming an essential part of value delivery. Think of the digital disruption of Blockbuster by Netflix as an example here, or the changes and evolution happening in retail.

To survive today and thrive tomorrow, businesses require a new way of thinking – one that is customer-obsessed around designing experiences, delivering outcomes and satisfying desires. According to the Walker Customers 2020 Report, by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. But according to more and more influencers, it already has.


Learn to Lead in Digital Transformation

In an on-demand webinar, Forrester Vice-President and Principal Analyst Nigel Fenwick discusses six keys to digital transformation and driving new customer value and revenue which revolve around:

  1. Recognizing the digital disruption that’s happening now across all industries
  2. Getting executive support to reshape how the business creates new value
  3. Knowing the strength of, and fostering, agility
  4. Finding the right employees with digital skills or training toward that goal
  5. Making CIOs and CMOs strategic partners
  6. Leveraging the right technology to create new sources of value for customers.

For those starting, leading or supporting digital transformation initiatives, this is a webcast you won’t want to miss.

Click here to register.