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Today’s Business Technology Wish List for Digital Transformation

By the end of 2017, two-thirds of the CEOs of Global 2000 companies will have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategy, according to the IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Digital Transformation 2016 Predictions. 

In a recent Digital Transformation: What Organizations Need to Succeed poll, Microsoft asked business professionals if digital transformation was well underway within their organization. Almost two-thirds said they have started and are looking for ways to move farther faster – or, said they feel they are ahead of their competitors:


The poll of business professionals also found that many view their current technology as a potential barrier to further advancement, instead of an enabler:


Yet, business professionals don’t want to start all over again. They do, however, want their technology to work more seamlessly and better together, as well as provide better data and intelligence:

This wish list aligns with five steps Ray Wang, Constellation Research Principal Analyst, Founder, Chairman and author of the new best-selling book Disrupting Digital Business, has identified as keys to advancing in digital transformation:

  1. Design new experiences and outcomes.
  2. Develop a culture of digital DNA.
  3. Apply new business models and technologies to existing infrastructure.
  4. Move from gut to data-driven decisions.
  5. Co-create and co-innovate with new partners.

What technology does Wang believe will have the biggest impact on the most brands and organizations moving forward in digital transformation? Artificial Intelligence.

Stay tuned as we dig deeper on this subject in future blogs….


Want to Learn More?

In a new on-demand thought leadership webinar, Ray Wang, Constellation Research Principal Analyst, Founder, Chairman and author of the new best-selling book Disrupting Digital Business, discusses the keys not just to getting started on a digital transformation initiative, but what is needed to succeed, including the roles of:

  • company culture
  • data-driven decision making
  • and innovative technology.

Click on the link below to receive and view the on-demand webinar. Whatever your role, this is a not-to-be-missed presentation to move forward in 2017 and beyond:

Starting a digital transformation initiative and need transformational technology? Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft’s next generation of intelligent business applications. Click here.