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Dynamics 365

Innovative POS Refurbishing Company Grows Sales & Service with Dynamics CRM Solution

POS Remarketing Group, Inc. (POSRG) is one of fastest growing company in the refurbished point-of-sale equipment industry. Leadership attributes the company’s success to the ability to assess market demand quickly, act on the markets swiftly, and build great relationships with customers. With its growing business, POSRG wanted to centralize customer information, including sales, marketing, service, and internal operations to improve sales performance and provide customers with the best possible service experience in fulfilling customer orders and service requests. The company engaged Riics, Inc., to deploy a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution that helps them improve account management and sales opportunity tracking as well as track KPIs.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution was implemented for the employees to capture, track, and manage their sales and service interactions with prospects and customers.

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