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Dynamics 365

Available on Connected Experiences for Retail with Microsoft Dynamics Collateral

If you haven't had the chance to take a look at the 6 pieces of marketing collateral now available on that support our Connected Experiences for Retail with Microsoft Dynamics (CERMD) vision then get yourself out there! The CERMD vision is the thought leadership business message that tells 'our story' in retail, the trends, challenges and factors retailers should consider when thinking about maintaining a competitive advantage and/or seeking brand differentiation vis-a-vis the competition.

More than just marketing jazz the CERMD vision will be brought to life through the soon to be released (summer 2010) Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail solution – a fully integrated, end-to-end solution that helps retailers retain customers and increase market share by connecting people, information, and processes across the organization—from the supply chain to the demand chain.

Read the white papers and watch the videos on


Luke Shave
ERP Industry Marketing Manager