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Press Release: Swiss Farms Adopts Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail as It Prepares for Expansion

If Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail were a piece of food it would be one of those peppers that is extra-spicy and extra hot…you know the type of thing that just blows your brains out – AX for Retail is on the boil right now and just doesn't look like it is going to stop….

Straight off the back of a hugely successful NRF event that featured multiple press releases including one on Malaysia's largest homegrown retailer MYDIN comes another new press release (do we have a production line somewhere churning these things out!!) hot off the press from Swiss Farms and Columbus IT one of our Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail launch partners.

Released today on Press Pass the press release notes that Swiss Farms selected Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail to support its launch of a corporate and franchise system (scalable & adaptable) and to integrate its point-of-sale data with back-office operations (end-to-end out of th e box everybody :)). Established in 1968, Swiss Farms is a growing drive-through convenience grocery store retailer based in the Philadelphia, Pa., area. It currently operates 13 stores and is about to launch a franchise operation that is expected to add 100 franchisees within five years.

Why did Swiss Farms choose Microosft Dynamics AX for Retail? Read for yourself on the link below.

Swiss Farms Press Release


Luke Shave
ERP Industry Marketing Manager